[geeks] interesting mail stats

David L Kindred (Dave) geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 20:17:36 CST 2001

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> writes:

    Bill> http://mailstats.sunhelp.org Wow.  I'm doing 600meg+/day of
    Bill> outgoing email.

So that's why you're always at the top of my mail stats on this end.

Since July:

Host/Domain Summary: SMTPD Connections (top 100)
 connections  messages  time conn.  avg./conn.  max. time  host/domain
 -----------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------
   24261        25190     7:06:25          1s       338s   telesciences.com
   17423        17422     1:27:31          0s        57s   dmz4
   13808        13808     3:06:37          1s       649s   mrbill.net
   13549        13548     1:00:21          0s        81s   master2

And today alone:

Host/Domain Summary: SMTPD Connections (top 10)
 connections  messages  time conn.  avg./conn.  max. time  host/domain
 -----------  --------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------
     428          432     0:02:35          0s        17s   telesciences.com
     280          280     0:02:41          1s        77s   dmz4
     135          135     0:00:23          0s         1s   mrbill.net
     120          120     0:00:19          0s         2s   cloud9.net

Good thing I'm the one who reads the logs or I'd have to holler at
myself for getting so much email.

David L. Kindred                       <mailto:d.kindred at telesciences.com>
Unix Systems & Network Administrator   Telesciences, Inc.
Phone: +1 856 642 4184                 2000 Midlantic Drive, Suite 410
Fax: +1 856 866 0185                   Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 USA

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