[geeks] well, that explains it...

William S . geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Nov 8 03:42:30 CST 2001

As an American, you are not required to obtain a visa. You can
"visit" the country and remain here for a period up to 3 months.
If your intent is to obtain residency here, then upon your entry into
the country you are required to report to the "Alien" Police and
register there. Your next step is to present documentation
to the town office of the city you reside. This would include
items like a lease for an apartment, proof of health insurance,
and proff of work.

Those are just a few of the things to keep in mind.


On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 04:22:55PM -0600, Doctor Obnox Son of a Bitch wrote:
> William S ., reeling from the shock, managed on Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 10:38:16AM +0100 to scrawl:
> > Bill
> > Amsterdam, NL
>  Bill, how hard is it for an American to get work/immigration/visa in
>  the Netherlands these days?
>  Just curious...

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