[geeks] amanda

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Nov 10 09:49:57 CST 2001

On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 09:34:14AM -0500, Rob wrote:
> Difficult if not impossible. Amanda should still be considered in the
> Alpha stages and has whole hordes of problems doing real life backups.

Really?  I know people who have been using it for *years*.

> 5)Since you're doing this over cablemodem, you'll have to design your own
> encryption method for the dump. (You may be able to hack it to tunnel
> through ssh.)
> You're in for a lot of pain if you try.

I'll probably end up doing an rsync nightly between chip (my SB1K here)
and ohno, basically making a copy of everything on chip - once I get the
initial copy done, nightlys will just be incrementals.  Then, just dump
to local tape every couple of days.  That way I dont even have to take
the tape drive downtown to the co-lo.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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