[geeks] Urk! MySQL/PHP volunteer needed.

Joshua D Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 12 09:39:48 CST 2001

On Mon, Nov 12, 2001 at 08:04:19AM +0100, William S . wrote:
> I would have preferred building everything from scratch on
> my FreeBSD4.4 P166MMX but ended up using the "ports" method
> to install most of the apps. It would have been extremely
> tedious to install gnucash any other way.
> Has anyone here ever built gnucash from scratch?

I've been trying to for a few months now.  gnucash won't install because 
it needs g-wrap.  g-wrap gives errors (my notes don't specify what 
exactly) related to guile (the errors occur doing compile, not during 
./configure), which is installed.  I also haven't been able to get 
gnumeric on via source only, although I used to be able to do that long 
ago with much simpler versions.

Joshua D. Boyd

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