[geeks] SunSolve humor

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 11:21:53 CST 2001

Remembered these this morning.  Its great what you can find in
SunSolve if you're bored enough and have a login..

SunSolve Bug ID: 4102680
Problem: stress test gets an XError (BadDrawable) under 2.7 CDEVersion1.3_8
Workaround: Don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey (stress test). 

SunSolve Bug ID: 4256482
Problem: Banging on keyboard during cde startup causes dtwm hang
Workaround: Don't bang on the keyboard like a wild monkey

SunSolve Bug ID: 4317675
Problem: swear words in source code comments
2600:  	/* The code below fucks up if the exponents aren't at least 2 bits */
27:  ;; Not all of this code has to be '386 code, but STUPID FUCKING MASM (5.0)

I know there's more, but thats the only ones I could remember to search for


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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