[geeks] RE: [rescue] OT: Q on Cygwin XFree 4.0.1 on PC - anyone used this ?

Gregory Leblanc geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 16 20:29:46 CST 2001

On Fri, 2001-11-16 at 18:24, Ken Hansen wrote:
> Thanks for the reply...
> I had a few problems, first the install of Cygwin di
> dnot include the needed bunzip2 executable, os I had
> to find that - no biggie, but it took time...
> Then I started up the XFree 4.0.1 X Server, and it
> couldn't find a particular .dll file - it turnsout
> this is a known problem because Cygwin and Xfree need
> an upgrade to ncurses (or some such) for the xterm
> application - I couldn't make sense of their
> instructions to re-install the cygwin package twice,
> but then i didn't spend too much time on it... Maybe
> I'll try again and see what I come up with.
> If it works, that owuld be great (X Windows on my
> 802.11b-enabled laptop)!
> Thanks fo rthe encouragement,

Geeze Ken, did you have a little too much to drink tonight?  Your typing
is looking a bit slurred.  ;-)

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