[geeks] WTB: FH 5.25" SCSI-1 enclosure

Joshua D Boyd geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Nov 25 00:42:01 CST 2001

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 10:36:18PM -0800, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> He's full of crap - it's not intended to be hot-swap.  That said, if you
> are careful, you can switch *inactive* devices.  It's not something I
> would do in a production enviroment unless I had some serious practive
> first.
> My philosophy on it is: If you are good, you can get away with it.  Just
> make sure you are good enough to deal with the results if you f**k it up.

Err, what makes you good at this?  In my case, the only truly, really, 
important machine to not mess up, also happens to be the one with no SCSI 
(I put it a better IDE card instead so that I could use affordable HDs).

Joshua D. Boyd

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