[geeks] Stupit Eudora

Edward Chase geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Nov 28 15:08:36 CST 2001

Depends on what version of Windows and how you installed it.

On a Win9x box, all the files are in C:\Eudora by default
On a WinNT/2K box, the mail files can be somewhere in C:\Documents and 
Settings\<username> folder

You're looking for
*.mbx         <- your mailboxes
*.toc         <- table of contents to the mailboxes
nndbase.toc   <- table of contents to address book
nndbase.txt   <- address book
rcpdbase.txt  <- recipient list
descmap.pce   <- some connection between mailbox filenames and descriptive 

At 08:14 AM 11/28/2001 -0800, Fogg, James wrote:
>I am hoping someone here knows the answer to my problem.
>My wife uses Eudora 5.1 (Windblows) for a mail client. I reloaded her
>machine from scratch (a common Windows solution to vexing problems) and
>backed up her drive. Now I have re-installed Eudora, but cannot figure out
>where it stored its mail archives. Without the archives I cannot restore her
>old email collection.
>The older versions of Eudora stored mail in some obvious way, but not on
>Any ideas?
>GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

  Edward F. Chase III     |   echase at providence.edu
  Providence College      |   http://www.providence.edu
  Computer Services       |   http://studentweb.providence.edu
  Providence, RI  02918   |

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