[geeks] Re: [rescue] The war begins....

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 8 13:31:45 CDT 2001

Kurt Huhn wrote:

> > They, however, consider that *they* are following the Quran, and that
> > those who follow the Talmud or the Bible are also righteous.  And they
> That's interesting, I havn't seen that.  There are Christian aid workers in
> prison in Afghanistan right now.  Jailed for possessing bibles and Christian
> propoganda.  Apparently, possesion of such material is a crime punishable by
> death.  This according to all news I've read (US and European sources).

Converting someone of Islamic faith to any other faith is punishable by

I know of two Jews in Afghanistan, both businessmen of Jewish Afghani
descent. I don't know about their situation today (in fact, both are
probably in Israel right now for the holidays), but as of the last I
knew, about 2 weeks ago, they had complete freedom of movement and
action. Jews traditionally don't proselytize, while Christians make a
point of it. Christian propaganda in the hands of "aid workers" (read
missionaries?) would most likely be taken as clear evidence of trying to
steal Muslim souls.



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