[geeks] AW YEAH
D.A. Muran-de Assereto
geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 9 17:45:57 CDT 2001
Congratulations. I know how you feel....
I'm in the middle of rewriting some exceptionally poor C auditing code;
basically, we're capturing all sorts of C2 and other auditing data from
Solaris, NT, and Tru64, munging it, and feeding it to a database...
at least that's the theory. It's never worked, and I was given two weeks
to rewrite the whole mess in perl.
The original C is so bad I just tubed it and started over. The guy was
directory listings by system(ls>filename) and parsing the file....
<sigh> I hope I'll bne celebrating soon. I just got most of the Solaris
C2log parsing routines working, with the exception of the date. Seems
gmtime isn't Y2k compliant with 32-bit ints....
At least I get to work at home in my own lab.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of Bill Bradford
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 17:54
> To: geeks at mrbill.net
> Subject: [geeks] AW YEAH
> HP PerfView/Measureware, HP OpenView ServiceReporter,
> and Seagate CrystalReports can ALL BOW TO ME.
> (this is a happy rant)
> It goes like this. Months and months ago, we purchased
> HP PV/MWA and ServiceReporter, with the assurance from HP
> that yes, there would be a PerfView/Measureware agent for
> Tru64 UNIX "any day now". We got agents for all our other
> boxes (Solaris), but have been waiting on the Tru64 one.
> Couple of months ago, at least, HP comes to us and goes
> "uh. uhm. there's not going to be a Tru64 agent after
> all." We go postal on them, because thats one of the reasons
> we *bought* this product.
> Couple of weeks later, our HP rep comes to us with DSI -
> Data Source Integration. Basically lets us gather the data
> that we want to monitor (in this case, from sar, etc), log
> it ourselves (in a format that is "hp approved"), and then
> forward that data to a PerfView/Measureware agent on a box
> that *has* the current supported PV/MWA agent. Then, we can
> use ServiceReporter to graph the data and get the outputs
> we'd have had if there was a native Tru64 agent.
> (imagine this, its similar to using MRTG/RRDtool, but on a
> much more complicated scale, basically)
> Boss hands it to me and says "go for it".
> One week in: Okay, this DSI stuff blows chunks, but its all we've
> got.
> Two weeks in: Okay, DSI stuff is configured, systems are gathering
> data. Lets do reports!
> Three weeks in: HP guy says, "oh, yeah, in order to do custom reporting
> from the DSI data sources, you'll need to buy CrystalReports to make
> your own report templates, since all of ours are hardcoded." (Service
> Reporter uses an embedded CrystalReports engine).
> Four weeks: Send in PO for CrystalReports. $399 or such.
> Five weeks: Got CrystalReports last week. Fiddled with it. Set up
> test instance of ServiceReporter on my desktop NT box here to do
> development.
> This week: After fiddling all day, I finally just now got a
> report (doing the chart now) of one of the Tru64 boxes, and its
> UserCPU, SysCPU, and FreeMEM every five minutes for the past
> 24 hours. YES.
> (I know, this is a funny thing to celebrate, but I've been working on
> this project for the past 2-3 months as 50% of my daily workload, and
> I finally got the tools I needed to do the job.. and it works RIGHT.)
> What sucks is that ServiceReporter and CrystalReports dont run on a
> UNIX platform. 8-(
> Okay, back to your reguarly scheduled stuff. I just had to vent; I'm
> so damn happy right now that this stuff works.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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