[geeks] Vegitarianism... was Re: [rescue] Friggin huge list members!)

William Barnett-Lewis geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Oct 11 21:06:14 CDT 2001

rescue-request at sunhelp.org wrote:
> Send rescue mailing list submissions to
>         rescue at sunhelp.org
Snort. Genus Homo has been eating omnivorously for how many million
years as opposed
the past handful of years for a smaller handful as vegetarians (or
suicidaly as vegans)?  Thanks, dude, but there are reasons my family
raises beef (close enough to organic to count if it were worth the
trouble) and I go chase bambis and other wild game with my flintlock.
There are few things that taste better than squirrel or pheasant...

(.50 cal flinter using only real black powder. Firestorm from T/C Arms.
High tech materials with real hunting skill needed.) 

(This is _way_ offtopic for rescue. Pointed at geeks and only answered

You better watch out    What you wish for;
It better be worth it   So much to die for.
                                Courtney Love

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