[geeks] Re: [rescue] Friggin huge list members!

Mike Meredith geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Oct 13 03:22:21 CDT 2001

On Friday 12 October 2001 03:09, you wrote:
> Reasons to make fun of vegitarians:

Is that the US spelling ?

> Peta

What are they ?

> How they react when made fun of

Most people react badly when you make fun of them or their lifestyle.

> people who through paint at those of us who wear leather/fur

Wearing fur is a very different issue to wearing leather (speaking as a 
bad vegetarian who wears leather --- well the bet called for me to stop 
eating meat and didn't say anything about wearing animals).

> silly hippies trying to convince us to use tofu instead of meat

Some of us rabbit food eaters think tofu's a bit daft as well. In fact 
when it's meat-flavoured it tastes and smells absolutely revolting to 
any vegetarian who has been that way for a number of years.

> did I mention vegans?

You're really prejudiced against those people from Vega aren't you ?

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