[geeks] Vegetarianism... was Re: [rescue] Friggin huge list m embers!)

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 16 21:28:21 CDT 2001

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, David Cantrell wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 08:56:59AM -0700, Fogg, James wrote:
> > If you knew how animals were raised, slaughtered and treated for market you
> > wouldn't go near meat.
> You assume that all meat is factory-farmed.  This is far from true.

I see how computers are designed, programmed, and sold.  I still use 'em.
I wish it were otherwise with animals, but all I can do is work to make
things better.

> > If you knew how much contamination (microbial) and pollution of meat occurs
> > you wouldn't touch it.
> Again, you assume that all meat is factory-farmed.  And in any case, there's
> a quite frightening amount of pollution on fruit and veg too.  All those
> revolting pesticides - again, those can be avoided if you buy organic veg
> like I do.

Organic stuff is just as bad.  Ya know, having a few greeblies on yer
food can help keep your immune system working.  I know how many bug parts
are in cereal, and I still eat that...

> > The only benefits of a diet that includes meat is a very concentrated source
> > of protein and fats.
> You forget the other benefit - it tastes great.  Veggie food can taste great
> too, when done properly, but us omnivores get to eat from the best of both
> food worlds :-)

Yes.  Bacon tastes good.  Pork tastes good.  So do beef, chicken, sushi,
and damn near anything else.  Tofu also tastes good.  But I don't like
pretending something is meat if it isn't.  I love a good ribeye, cooked
over an open flame, and served while still rare.


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