[geeks] Mac and Cheese (aka Kraft Dinner)

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Oct 22 07:08:02 CDT 2001

Sorry, you *fry* the scrapple after you slice it, and
before you bury it in gravy/ketchup/maple syrup...


--- Ken Hansen <n2vip at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Now scrapple, that *is* regional - all the parts
> aren't fit for hot dogs are minced, boiled (I
> how else could you turn it so *grey*), then pressed
> into a brick, which is then sliced and buried in
> gravy/maple syrup/ketchup (not catsup, a regional
> spelling for Ketchup - I take my guidance from
> Heinz, as I am, at heart a Pittsburgh boy)...

n2vip at yahoo.com

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