It's amazing (was: Re: [geeks] Re: linux is not unix)

Greg A. Woods geeks at
Thu Sep 6 02:39:57 CDT 2001

[ On Thursday, September 6, 2001 at 00:15:04 (-0500), Reagen B. Ward wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: It's amazing (was: Re: [geeks] Re: linux is not unix)
> On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 01:35:32AM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> > I only ever played with coherent a few times, but their compiler was so
> > damn good I bought both of those copies myself out of my own pocket,
> > even though I never owned a PC or a  copy of MS-DOS at the time!  ;-)
> If you want, I can pass this along to Mr. Spertus.  I'm sure he'd be
> pleased to hear it.

You're certainly welcome to!  Tell him "Thank You!" for me!  ;-)

I should probably also mention that back then I wasn't making a lot of
money, and I was a young single fool spending much of my disposable
income on entertainment and such stuff (not even on rescuing old
computers!).  I also came from a freeware/BBS background, So paying for
software out of my own pocket was quite a significant thing for me to
do. I see I even made a little note in the front of one manual
exclaiming about the $120[usa] upgrade price! ;-)

I only wish I could have convinced more clients to use MWC at the time!

I guess it was for many of the same reasons it's hard to "sell" *BSD or
Linux into a large corporation still today!  ;-)

If I were to do it all over again I'd probably put my foot down and
insist on using better tools.  Back then though I was just a
programmer working on projects that were usually well along the way....

							Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <gwoods at>     <woods at>
Planix, Inc. <woods at>;   Secrets of the Weird <woods at>

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