[geeks] Re: [rescue] Flying Pigs - OT WIN2K speed

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Sep 10 16:30:19 CDT 2001

Attempting a moe to Geeks...

> I bet that many of us could create something superior (though perhaps not
> a "scalable") for small workgroups within a year.  A smaller group of us
> (I don't claim to be part of the second group) could probably create
> something superior on all fronts in another few years, with all the
> replications features, etc.

A group of are already working on it :)
www.bungo.com - unfortunately, the free service is going away in a matter of
days.  Costs too much to maintain, and it is frequently abused by folks
distributing pr0n of all things...

At any rate - we're making serious progress, and things look good at least
for the short term.  We don't sell the software - instead we sell the
service.  I don't think we have plans to sell the software yet - but we've
at least recognized the potential.

The services require no specialized client - just a current browser.  IE and
Netscape seem to work wel - Mozilla and Konquerer show some issues though.
Our developers are working on the problem...

> The real fun would be integrating it into things like video survailence,
> palm pilots, mapping GPS unit thingies, and all the other day to day
> devices that perhaps could be better automatted if they could just know
> what we intended to do before hand.

Palm Pilot support is scheduled.  We started to work on it, then the dev
environment we were using became unavailable (read: went OOB).  However, we
recently found some very helpful stuff, and we're going to pick this up
again soon.

PS: moved to geeks....

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