[geeks] Lottery (was informal survey)

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Sep 10 18:18:45 CDT 2001

On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> explaining. A few years ago, I decided that $11M was my stop-working
> number - once I hit $11 Million "in the bank" (not over-valued tech stock
> ;^), I stop working and live "La Vita Woz" (live where I like, teach young

I figgured out that I need about $2M after taxes to retire for good.
Enogh to buy a decent house in New Mexico, and stuff the rest into the
appropriate investments, like tax-free munies and the like.  (5% on $1M is
$50K a year, tax-free.  If my house were paid for, that would more than
enough to live on.)  But, I won't turn down $20M post-taxes, either. :-)

"Sunblade 1000's all around!"


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