[geeks] McCain's calling for war...

Michael S. Schiller geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Sep 11 22:34:28 CDT 2001

Kurt Huhn wrote:

> > The die is cast. I can't see any response less than war being sufficient
> > to satify American Bloodlust over these events.
> >
> A coworker has expressed that he will re-enlist if it comes to that.
> I honestly don't know what I would do.  My emotions call for war, my more
> pragmatic side (the one currently in control) wants to be absolutely sure of
> the aggressors - and then wipe them from the face of the earth with a well
> planned, surgical operation.

Why does every one use the term 'surgical'? I think we should find out who was
responsible, AND what government supported it, then just wipe that country off
the map, gone doesn't exist anymore. That will send the ONLY message these kind
of people understand, and make other governments think twice about supporting
terrorists. The US is currently the strongest country on the planet, it's time
we started acting like it!

> There's a ton of opinion out there about this.  Most of it boils down to
> "someone's gotta pay the ultimate price".
> I personally fulfilled my daily goal, by pissing off someone whom I can only
> describe as bleading heart liberal (appologies - my flame suit is on - I
> have no other words right now).  In fact, myself and another pissed him off
> so bad that he actually left the office.  The discussion was, oddly enough,
> over the expected (or rather, expected lack of a) lasting financial impact
> of the morning's events.  Odd sort of thing to get so upset about...
> Kurt
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