[geeks] Hijacked

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 12 07:09:26 CDT 2001

> > What's a flourascope?  Google doesn't have any useful information,
> > except that it's something that can be used to find "foreign bodies" in
> > people.  Is it akin to an X-ray?  Is it less harmful?  How's it work?
> Not to sure about the actual technology   but it's a pre x-ray x-ray.
> Your more likely to die from cancer than from what you were being
> flourascoped for.
> http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/CONSUMER/CON00261.html

That's exactly it.  There's a reason they're not in widespread use anymore.
The radiation from these things scatters over a fairly wide area - and
aadministers *huge* doses of it.

They are *not* a good thing unless technology advances in the last 40 years
or so have reduced the dangers.


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