[geeks] McCain's calling for war...

Mike Hebel geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 12 20:34:54 CDT 2001

WMD> When you say "country heavily involved in terrorism" being subjected to a
WMD> cold-war type government (by which I suspect you mean little in the way of
WMD> human rights or freedoms, a state dictatorship if you will) do you really
WMD> think this is what will/should happen in the countries that are the source
WMD> of these attacks?

_NOT_.  They'll operate as if they're under war and just go about a
day-to-day war-type schedule.  They're really already under those type
of conditions already so it won't be a big change for them.

WMD> If anything anywhere near what I think you're getting at emerges from this
WMD> situation I think it could be us who are the people living in nations/states
WMD> where liberties are take from... us for the sake of security.

Welcome to the excuse to institute 1984.  Expect to see pushes to hand
over encryption keys, loss of the ability to possess handguns of any
type, restrictions on Concealed Carry and FFL, removal of and of the
restrictions on "unreasonable search and seizure".  I honestly don't
think people are being paranoid enough about this.

WMD> To me, lack of autonomy and therefore an absence of terrorism do not seem to
WMD> go hand-in-hand.

I agree.
<Insert over-used but appropriate Benjamin Franklin quote here.>

Mike Hebel                          mailto:drone8of9 at crosswinds.net



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