[geeks] More thoughts

D.A. Muran-de Assereto geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 12 21:13:25 CDT 2001

> As I think I've said here before, the Pentagon is one of the most
> distressing things out of all of this. Why was that plane not shot down
> by SAMs? Simply exploding the jet fuel would have done away with most
> of the power of a plane to do damage. The fires are another mystery,
> why did they burn for so long?

The reason the plane was shot down is simple. The Pentagon is less than two
miles from Reagan National Airport. Unless an Air Defense commander had an
incontrovertible reason to believe that the aircraft was bent on
he would not fire for fear of killing innocent civilians. Remember the
Vicennes, near Iran?

This country has a long flirtation with the idea of killing innocent
civilians in order to defend ourselves. As an example, we will not fire
upon unidentified aircraft entering our ADIZ. We simply WILL NOT.
We don't shoot down drug traffickers who routinely fly over our
country; no matter that they could easily be carrying some other
lethal cargo than cocaine; the risk of killing a comm-out civilian
is too great. OTOH, we almost require other countries to shoot down
unidentified probable drug traffickers in order to be certified and
continue to receive counterdrug monies. This is blatant hypocrisy,
and makes us look like fools in many Latin American countries.

Because of a long history of questionable military and intelligence
operations, and our national obsession with self-examination and love
of blame, we in many cases lost our political will. Granted, many of the
questionable operations were abominably stupid (Castro's poisoned cigars,
for example), but, instead of identifying the idiots in question and making
them pay the price of their stupidity, we have overhauled the system in an
attmept to keep mistakes from every happening. As a consequence, we have
taken away many of our own instruments of national power.

As an aside, has anyone else noticed the new law being proposed which will
make "leaks" prosecutable? One of the folk mentioned as primary sponsor is
the John Deutch (sp?) ex-director of the CIA who kept highly-classified
documents on his personal computer at home. You know, the one connected to
the internet. The one his kids used to connect to porn sites. He was not

Dave Muran-de Assereto

> What is the effect, if any, of the documents which were lost, the
> papers and possibly hard drives which are scattered?
> Mike
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