[geeks] Hijacked

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Sep 12 22:20:13 CDT 2001

> Tranquilizer darts.  You'd be hard pressed to punch one of those through
> the fuselage.

Paintball pistol loaded with pepperball rounds (www.pepperball.net).  No -
not foolproof - but guaranteed not to pierce the fuselage.  It also is a
"proximity" weapon - it has a radius of something like 3 feet.  Tranquilizer
darts, while safe for the airplane, must hit the *target* to be effective.

I've been trying to score a few through a freind (former LEO) to check em

A few other pop into mind - stun guns, tazers, pepper spray, and so on.  I
for one am interested in the types of "safe" or less-destructive weapons we
may be seeing in the next couple of years as some sort of sky-marshall
program is implemented.


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