[geeks] Re: [SunHELP] Re: Terrorism

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Sun Sep 16 08:58:28 CDT 2001

First - trim your reply quotes.  I realize that these are emotional times,
but it only took me 3 seconds to trim the previous messages to acceptable

Second - I tire of this.  Especially when someone replies with content like
you did Faisal.  Racsist/Anti-Semetic/AntiUS views are NOT ON TOPIC FOR THIS
LIST.  If you must discuss it - move it to Geeks.

Third - check your facts before sending a message to the list.  A mistake
about the thermal dynamics of a PPro chip are one thing - mistated figures
about how many children died in Iraq post-desert-storm will start a flame

Fourth - can we please end the accusatory tone?  I get the feeling that many
people, from very different walks of life feel as if the terrorsists were
justified.  Or at the minimum, that the US shouldn't respond in any fashion
simply because to do so would be fruitless. I simply won't comment on that -
I've already expressed my feelings.  I would like everyone else to *please*
drop the accusations.  *PLEASE*

Fifth - YOU CAN'T MAKE ME THINK DIFFERENTLY!!!  Barrageing the list with
your point of view won't change it.  Think about it - can *I* change *your*
point of view?  If not, what makes you think you can change mine.  Believe
me - I am a dtubborn motherfscker.

Sixth - (my only opinion on the subject) Nobody has been more critical of
the US government's handling of mid-east relations than it's own people.  US
Citizens have the ability to change the direction of US policy - not
terrorists slamming planes into buildings.  If anything, the result of the
actions on Sept 11 steeled the resolve and changed the point of view of many
citizens.  Have you checked the polls lately?  Greater than 80% of US
citizens support "extreme military action" according to a CNN poll.  Two
weeks ago, that might have been 15% - so what do you think the
accomplishement was?  By slamming planes into the WTC, the terrorists turned
an overwhelming majority of US citizens that might have been willing to
listen to words, into bloodthirsty berserkers.  Counterproductive, to say
the least...

Seventh - ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US (obligitory humor injection)


----- Original Message -----
From: "faisal gillani" <fasi_74 at yahoo.com>
To: <sunhelp at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: [SunHELP] Re: Terrorism

> Hello there everyone ....
>  First of all they dont know for sure that usama did
> it it is not necessory he did it ....
> Well i am a muslim from Pakistan & all you guys are
> network admins so your job is to find the root of the
> problem right ?

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