[geeks] anybody need a Cisco v.35 cable?

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Tue Apr 2 19:23:21 CST 2002

BB> On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 04:44:55PM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
>> $20/OBO, or buy me the "The Atomic Cafe" DVD off my amazon wishlist..

BB> Okay, who bought it, so I can ship the cable? 8-)

Actually I did it but hold off on shipping it until your DVD arrives
as SPAMAmazon wouldn't let me delete an old item from my shopping cart
and it's probably shipping a copy of the Myst III Exile soundtrack to
you along with your DVD.  If it comes in with the DVD just send it to
me with the cable. ;-)

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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