[geeks] Recommendations?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sun Apr 7 00:26:03 CST 2002

On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 01:15 AM, Chris Byrne wrote:

> Well you can pick up a really nice GeForce 2 MX based board for almost
> nothing these days, potentially with video in/out and multiple monitor
> support, the same goes for GeForce3 and now GeForce 4 if you want even 
> more
> features (for which you spend even more money). Nvidia offers Linux 
> drivers
> if you don't mind closed source, and I know from experience that these
> boards can be made to work in X (or other native GUI) with Linux, 
> Solaris
> X86, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, BeOs R5, and all windows since 95. Theres no 
> point in
> going for one of the full on GeForce cards bacause your CPU wont be 
> able to
> come close to using them. THe MX's dont give up anything in image 
> quality
> and have the smae of better extra features.
So basically I'm looking for something that has great 2D AND 3D 
performance... most of the whizbang gaming features if not all of them, 
but I don't want to buy more card than I can use certainly.  Dual heads 
and great features for doing graphic work is not necessary.  I'm going 
for pure games here... but I'd like to be able to run X if possible.  
I'm basically looking to max out the graphics in this system.  Sridhar 
mentions 3DLabs... those are the Oxygen boards right?   I always thought 
those were great, but again I'd like to get the highest performance game 
card I can get for a dual Pro PCI.  This system also has a 10K SCSI UW 
drive in it and is really a lot faster than any of the other Pro's I've 
run.  PR440FX Intel board.  The Venus board I had for my single Pro 256 
ran Windows 2K like a dog... this machine is quite fast on the otherhand.


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