just took The Plunge, was Re: [geeks] Recommendations?

Kris Kirby kris at catonic.net
Sun Apr 7 23:19:32 CDT 2002

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> Hey, I've been beaten around the head and shoulders by apple as much as
> anybody, but I would rather use a Mac than any windoze PC.

Every once and a while I'm glad I have the attention span of Kiki. Oh,
shiny! (Q3A)

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   | IM: KrisBSD | HSV, AL.
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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