[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Mon Apr 8 00:57:27 CDT 2002

On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 10:49 PM, Amy wrote:

> on a lighter note, i've been even tempered, non agressive, and 
> non-bitter
> for the past 4 days. bill's starting to ask if i'm depressed, or upset, 
> or
> ill.

It's either:

A) Attempts to balance your internal chemistry are working.


B) All attempts have failed, and you're just trying to give Bill a false 
sense of security before the cast-iron frying pan comes swinging, 
turning his head into raspberry jam that flies across the kitchen and 
leaves long streaks on the wall.

With that imagery, I'm off to bed. :-)


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