[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Mon Apr 8 13:21:49 CDT 2002

>>  > > > was about 25.  At 5'10" and 215lb with ~15% bodyfat, not many people
>>>  > > care to confront me - over much of anything...
>>>  >
>>>  > At 6' and 250 lbs, the boss colls me "the enforcer".  I have some neat
>>>  > shades that reinforce the effect.  I think most people find bald men
>>>  > unsettling...
>>>  >
>>I've found that nothing intimidates people more than seeing my 6 1/2 foot
>>tall, 270 pound frame charging down the house hallway while weilding a
>>stainless steel Klingon Bat'leth because someone has decided to let
>>himself into my house.

BE> Damn that fucker must be heavy.

I saw one that a guy brought to the dealer's room of a Sci-Fi con
once.  The thing was his "medium" grade of steel - cast, not forged,
and low-carbon.  It was seriously dangerous and seriously heavy.
For a price, at the time, of about $5000 he was making other models
that were high-carbon steel, mechanically forged, and would basically
cut through your car.  I wouldn't mind paying for that. ;-)

Though I also wouldn't mind getting one of the cable-steel swords from

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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