[geeks] Found: Ti99/4a!

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Apr 9 11:30:00 CDT 2002

On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 12:00 PM, Dave Kimmel wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Andrew Weiss wrote:
>> So do I ... I may have used Apple II's and Commodore PETs as young as
>> 7... my first owned computer was a
>> Clone XT with dual 360K floppies and no HD.  EGA 16 color.
> Clone XT, dual 360K floppies, 20M HD, 640K of RAM, an ATI graphics card
> which could do CGA *and* Hercules modes, plus a Logitech mouse.
> That mouse kicked some serious ass.  The TSRs for it (remember TSRs?) 
> let
> you make the mouse work for ANY application.  If the app didn't support
> the mouse, you could write your own pulldown menus and use them.  It was
Didn't use a mouse until I got the 386.

I also had 640K RAM in the clone XT.

The mouse was a Dexxa mouse.

I really didn't like or use Windows until my 486, however...I still used 
DOSSHELL for the longest time (or just a plain CLI).  My original 
Windows experience lasted about 4-5 months (3.11) until I found a guy on 
campus who had NT 3.51.  I used that for about 3 months then went to 
Linux for about 6 (1.2.13 Slackware 3.0)... until I found that same NT 
guy had a new OS... Solaris 2.5.1 x86... so thus began my indoctrination 
into the world of real OS's :-).


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