[geeks] Let's not get the age thing going again (was:Re[2]: [

Gary Nichols gary at linuxforce.org
Tue Apr 9 14:53:42 CDT 2002

I wrote my first game on a C64 using sprites!  A little PEEK()'ing here... 
a little POKE()'ing there...


I think I called it "Battlestar Wars".  God that game ruled - and fit in 
64k of RAM.  hehe

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, jmadjeski wrote:

> I'm not the oldest here by a longshot, I would imagine (25).
> By a strange coincidence (regarding the TI-99 thread), my first computer was
> the TI-99/4a. Had the cartidge bay for programs, and you could even save
> programs *gasp* on a music cassette!!! BOOYA! Thing was hooked into a black
> and white television.
> I remember sitting in front of that thing and copying, from a book on
> programming in basic, a little graphics program that woulg make this little
> guy appear on screen and wave his arms and legs, like he was dancing... or
> convulsing. I named him "IGGY". Okay, shut up, I was six!
> >From then on, anything that resembled the shape of IGGY was called IGGY.
> *sniffle* misty watercolored meeem'rieeeees... of the waaaay we weeere...
> -joe

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