[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Apr 9 18:18:23 CDT 2002

On April 9, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > > Well, not always.  Once a driver nearly ran a couple of us
> > > over (in a pedestrian right-of-way) so I kicked the rear
> > > fender with my foot.
> > 
> > i would, quite literally, stop the car and beat your ass for that. for 
> > that matter, anyone. my being a jerk or "almost" 
> > (injuring/killing/whatevering) you is not a valid excuse to damage my 
> > car. sheesh.
> No, you would have got your ass beat for trying to run the
> four of us down.  We had the right of way, we were already
> in the middle of the crossing, the guy didn't like that he
> had to stop, so he didn't.  We had to jump out of the way.

  I always find it amusing when people think they have some sort of
"right-of-way" when put up against two tons of moving metal.  Even the
laws of the land must give way to physics. ;)


Dave McGuire              "Anybody who is willing to EAT YOU probably isn't
St. Petersburg, FL         such a good person to be hanging out with." -Sridhar

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