[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Kris Kirby kris at catonic.net
Tue Apr 9 23:25:02 CDT 2002

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Reminds me of the time I was stacking some Dell computers and monitors
> at $dead_dot_com in preparation for rollout for the 35 or so salespeople
> we were hiring.  My boss walks in and says "Who's ass am I kicking
> today?" (in reference to a broken website) just as I was tossing a 17"
> monitor in the box about 8 feet into the air onto the top of the stack.

Not much of a people person, was he?

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   | IM: KrisBSD | HSV, AL.
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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