[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Wed Apr 10 01:13:27 CDT 2002

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 10:05 PM, Amy wrote:
> > what's lane splitting? i have a feeling i should know this, but haven't
> > matched up action with the proper phrase.
> When cars are stopped in traffic jam, going between them.  LOW SPEED
> only, not like the fuggin' idiots who blast through 30MPH traffic at
> 60...

ah, gotcha. never really bothered me, personally speaking i was always a
little jealous that they were small enough to do so.

here it's legal for cars to drive on the medians when traffic is jammed.
its downright dangerousat times...idiots in monster suv's whipping by
going 80 in the emergency lane while 10 thousand others try to pull out at
the same time to do the same thing.


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