[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Apr 10 05:24:49 CDT 2002

On April 9, David Passmore wrote:
> >   Yeah but...while I have very little experience with college (never
> > attended one) I have hung out at a few.  None that I've seen have THAT
> > kind of hardware.  Heck, UMCP had a network of SPARCstation IPXs as
> > distributed fileservers as late as 1997 or so.
> > 
> >   I suppose 600GB of disk CAN cost a fortune if you really want it to.
> I would expect that colleges give you as much as you need to complete your
> assignments and no more. If you really want to think of a college as a
> business (which it is), that's just good cost control. Colleges are
> expensive enough as it is. :)

  Yeah.  I think that's the symptom, not the problem, though.


Dave McGuire              "Anybody who is willing to EAT YOU probably isn't
St. Petersburg, FL         such a good person to be hanging out with." -Sridhar

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