[geeks] lowbrow

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 10 09:56:51 CDT 2002

~ On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 04:18:24PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
~ > On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 02:17:40PM -0700, Fogg, James wrote:
~ > > Oh come on....
~ > > All geeks know that penis length is measured in units of 
~ MIPS owned and
~ > > running.
~ > 
~ > Running, or potential of running if you plug the box in?
~ shouldn't that be age*mips/width_of_accumlator - extra geek 
~ cred for having
~ old 8 bitters, penalties for having modern stuff.

Yes, and 2 extra inches/points for even knowing what an accumulator is and
having written to/read from one. Also, bonus multiplyer and a free beer for
each machine sporting dead media (paper tape, DECTape, diskpacks, magnetic
punchcards, bernoulis, etc) and a super score-doubler for anything with
non-silicon RAM (mag core, acoustic delay lines, etc.). And my favorite, an
automatic standing ovation for any "computer" without an integrated-circuit
CPU, such as the vacuum tube computers. This should include 7400 series
logic arrays and state engines (some feel these don't count as they aren't
truly "programmable").

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