[geeks] SCSI numbering

Shawn Wallbridge shawn at synack-hosting.com
Wed Apr 10 22:11:02 CDT 2002

So a quick question, what does everything mean in the HD id's Sun's use?

eg. c0t5d0s2

c0 - controller 0 (?)
t5 - SCSI ID 5
d0 -
s2 - partition 2 (?)

I thought I had it, but I can't seem to get things working on my U30 with a
second drive.

I am getting the "corrupt label - wrong magic number" error, and I did some
google'ing and found a bunch of stuff (this looking the best,
http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/edcert/session2/peripheral/disk_solaris.html), but I
can't figure out where to format the disk.


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