[geeks] Yuppie Hell

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu Apr 11 00:02:51 CDT 2002

I think my mad reflux would consume me before I ever had the chance to 
become addicted to that particular poison.  I don't even like it with 

I do like Tequila straight up, however...(no it's not good on the reflux 
either... none of it is... but then again.. .there are poisons that are 
worth it.)


On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 12:50 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On April 11, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
>> Argh Scotch! [insert favorite vomit sound here]
>> Vile crap that is.
>   You'll enjoy it eventually, then you won't be able to live without
> it.  Everyone loves Scotch.  Some people just haven't admitted it to
> themselves yet. :-)
>     -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire              "Hush and eat your vegetables, young lady!"
> St. Petersburg, FL                          - Mr. Bill
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