[geeks] Web Browsers that Don't Suck

jodys at helluin.org jodys at helluin.org
Fri Apr 12 16:38:49 CDT 2002

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 05:31:27PM -0400, alex j avriette wrote:
> > The browser I use is w3m (http://w3m.sourceforge.net) which is a text
> > browser that uses the mouse and can display images (with a horribly ugly
> > hack). But after years of trying to find a browser that doesn't suck, 
> > this
> > one sucks the least. links may be worth a shot too.
> from my .cshrc:
> alias vimscape 'wget -qO - \!* | vim - '
> i'm still trying to hack up a vim script that will allow me to 
> re-execute the command on urls. that way i can view pages in vim, and 
> just 'click' through the urls.
Nicely done.
> > So why the hell can't all the millions of programmers out there 
> > reproduce
> > the simplicity of a frikking terminal. Do apps *really* need all that.
> > Do you really need <blink>, do you even really need color? NO. Apps 
> > should
> > help you, the computer should help you, is this not the revolution of 
> > PC's,
> > to have a helpful computer around. Help you solve problems, look at
> i need syntax coloring when i code. thats about it.

Well assuming the terminal has bold, dim and underline, you can get
a reasonable facsimile of syntax (not perfect, but does enough for me)
One truism I've heard is "If your function is longer that 24 lines,
it's to long", and a 132x24 terminal does help with that.

> alex
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