[geeks] galeon Doesn't Suck that much....

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sat Apr 13 13:46:36 CDT 2002

On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 02:40:48PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On April 13, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > >   Heh...intel boxes are only fast until you try to do more than one
> > > thing at a time.  I multitask heavily...that's one of the big reasons
> > > I don't use 'em.
> > 
> > I've noticed that most people's idea of multitasking is running winamp in the
> > background.  Even windows manages to pull that simple feat off, most of the
> > time.
>   That's pretty sad.
>   At any one time I've got twenty shell windows open.  I find that
> switching back and forth between tasks regularly (say, start a big
> compile, go do something else, come back in twenty minutes, etc) helps
> me maintain better productivity since I don't get burnt-out on one
> task.

I've also noticed that most people never need the computer to spend more than
a second or two working.  What can I say.  

Joshua D. Boyd

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