[geeks] argh Solaris

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Sat Apr 13 14:16:16 CDT 2002

On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 02:19:03PM -0500, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> For values of Solaris >= 2.0.  I can't count the number of times that I
> forgot how to add and ended up with single-cylinder overlaps in SunOS
> 4.x/Solaris 1.x.

you aren't alone.  i think anyone who's installed has run into that more than
once.  i know i have.

> But, yeah, suninstall is great fun compared to inst.  Neither knows how to
> deal with an unlabeled disk, though.

so you just gotta remember how to label your disks!  :)

seriously though, i completely agree.  sure, it's easy to drop to a prompt and
label the disks, but i shouldn't need to.

> Definitely.  But at least 6.5 lets you install from all the CDs at once,
> instead of one-by-one, like 6.2 and earlier forced you to.  Granted, we
> had fewer CDs, but still, 2 OS CDs, NFS, MIPSpro, Apps, Overlays.

hmmm, so i started at just the right time. ;)

> Really, it's not all that bad.  If nothing else, swmgr makes up for it.
> Compare -that- to admintool's software manager.

i really don't ever use sun's admintool software manager since i build
everything myself.  the software packages are easy to install and remove,
that's really all i need from package management.

> Just write the whole distribution to 4mm DAT and forego all that swapping.
> I think that's still (somewhat) supported. :)

i miss installing from tape.  that was always a blast.

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