[geeks] Bigger Tech T-Shirts question

Ryn mattyml at daemons.net
Sat Apr 13 21:33:56 CDT 2002


I want to wear


to work.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Vinson" <billvinson at nc.rr.com>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: [geeks] Bigger Tech T-Shirts question

> Okay, I have been following this list for a while and I thought some of 
> you might know a good source for larger tech t-shirts.  I am a pretty 
> big guy like some of the rest of you (Just wish my size was more from 
> muscle :)  I am looking for tech t-shirts (OpenBSD, OpenSSH, Linux, 
> UNIX, etc.) in the 4x range.  All the places I find online only seem to 
> go up to 2x or 3x.  3x fits me fine, but after washing and drying a few 
> times they shrink like crazy.  4x would be nice to find if at all 
> possible...
> Dumb question, I know.  But I thought someone here might know and 
> considering all the stuff that is talked about, I assume this isn't off 
> topic ;)
> So anyone got any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Bill
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