[geeks] just for you guys....

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Apr 14 18:22:20 CDT 2002

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 06:19:31PM -0500, Amy wrote:
> mm the only time i was actively pissed off (not upset, mind, just irate)
> by it was when some dumbass new desk clerk at my college dorm tried to tell
> me that i couldnt go in as i was not the correct sex. bad move. i whipped off
> my shirt and he went bright red and apologized like mad and then had the
> gall to try and ask me out.

*blink*  I'd never heard this story before.  Its interesting what you dont
know about people you've married. 8-)


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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