Real Truckers Was:[geeks] Work getting slow

Michael Conlen meconlen at
Wed Apr 17 13:30:49 CDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> A friend of mine is a trucker.  He said that his company told him
> not to pull
> any fancy stuff with the books, and that if there was trouble
> with too many
> hours, that the company would just pay the fines.
> In addition to any motive the company had for encouraging this,
> the truckers
> have the motive that most of their runs are short enough that
> just and hour
> or two extra that day will get them back home, where they would rather be
> (apparently they are mostly family men, except for my friend).  And, they
> are running empty on the way back.

Most long haul drivers get paid by the mile, and most customers want their
product delivered... ...the money just takes over. I've got to admit, if the
rules are what they were 9 years ago I'd be tempted to drive over myself.

Groove On Dude
Michael Conlen
Obfuscated Networking
meconlen at

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