[geeks] sigh.

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Wed Apr 17 17:21:55 CDT 2002

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Sometimes i wonder if doing this is worth it at all.  

Not to be trite, my friend, but the vaule to you has to be determined by
you.  I know that I ask myelf that about basenji.com quite often, usually
when I am worrying how to keep it going with no funds.  But, you know
that, you've been there as well. (With me!)

> Do you people *enjoy* these lists, get some usefulness out of them?  

I do.  Sometimes the S/N is high, but I enjoy it overall.  

> Sometimes I wonder if the enjoyment I get out of these lists is worth
> the effort I put into them and the hassle I occasionally get back out
> of them..

Bad day to ask me that.  I've been sitting in the middle of an argument
between three friends trying to maintain an objective air, while just
wanting to shout that their argument is not really woth the time it's
taking either of them.  I dunno - if you were me, would you just send them
mail and tell them all what I think?


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