[geeks] whee!!!

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Apr 21 01:04:57 CDT 2002

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Hard?  Install ANDIrand or the Sun /dev/random package,
> compile/install openssl, compile/install openssh.  VERY easy.

I found Sun's /dev/random package to eat -way- too much CPU.  I use prngd,
which works great, so long as you can live with a random socket, instead
of a userspace random device.

Sun's been talking about a /dev/random in Solaris 9.  Are they going to
use the same broken crap that they gave us as an add-on to Solaris 8 or
are they going to do the right thing and implement a kernel-mode
/dev/random with hooks for their new crypto boards?

> But yes, the sunfreeware ssl/ssh packages are "broken"

B.A.D., just like most of the other freeware packages.  I used to pull my
hair out when I ran a full complement of that precompiled stuff.  Ah, the
foolishness of naivete of youth. :)


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