[geeks] Re: Inventories and Wish Lists (again)

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Mon Apr 22 16:51:41 CDT 2002

Might as well throw in my Inventory and wish list.

(forgive me if i forget something, it's tough to keep track of stuff in
3-4 locations)

	Ultra1 Creator3d 140mhz, 128mb (solaris8:mail server)
	SparcServer 670MP quad 66mhz hypersparcs (linux:web server)
	SparcServer 470 (application listed below)
	Stack of Sparc5's (netbsd:DHCP/DNS server, linux:ESD server, and
		spares,	about 15 of them total)
	Sparc20 dual sm61's
	Sparc10 dual sm51's
	SparcClassics (3 of 'em)
	IPC's (2)
	6.5' 19" rack
	O2, r5k 128MB (IRIX6.5:workstation)
	Indigo2 r4.4k 128MB (defunct IRIX6.5)
	athlon 650, 384MB (linux:main desktop)
	dual p2 266, 256MB (linux:fileserver)
	pentium 200mmx, 48mb (openBSD:firewall/router/VPN)
	many other peecee parts that aren't being used
	Visualise C180 256MB
	MicroVAX 3400
	VAXServer 3300
	DECStation 2100
	64 processor NCUBE/2 (i believe it to be an NCUBE2, as the ss470 		is
the frontend for it.  From what i've ever read, the 		NCUBE1 used DEC
machines for frontends, but i'd love it
		if someone could shed some light on this for me)
	8 port SMC 10/100 switch
	12 port bay 100mbit hub
	8 port linksys 10mbit hub
	two Liebert PowerSure 1000's
	Handspring Visor Neo
	Xerox 4030 laser printer (old)
	hp laserjet 5L (presumed working)
	3 flatbed scanners
	Faster SGI for a good workstation, maybe a newer o2
	good fileserver with a nice ~100GB disk array
	faster pc for better gameplay
	better laser printer
	Above all:  the time to get all of my toys up and running.

	-Dan Sikorski

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