[geeks] VoIP Howto?

Michael Dombrowski legodude at hammycorp.com
Wed Apr 24 13:57:20 CDT 2002

> here is lots of software to do this, and some Internet VoIP to Telco
> services.
> The hard part is getting digital voice into a POTS line. I use a
> router with voice cards installed. You can also use a Quicknet

What kinda router? The Linksys boxes seem to just do phone-computer, 
not computer-PSTN.

> Internet Line Jack to get into the PSTN via POTS (Public Switched
> Telephone Network). I don't know what software will work with the
> Quicknet products, but they are expensive at $150.00 per port. My

I saw these and that's why I'm asking if there is anything cheaper.

> router was actually cheaper than the Quicknet solution. Quicknet also
> makes the Internet Phone Jack to attach a plain phone to your PC.

I was thinking about using the Creatve Voip Blaster thingies when the 
support for the gets better.

> You can also check out asterisk.org for a linux based PBX with cool
> features.

I was looking around there but it seems the supported hardware is 
rather expensive.


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