[geeks] aw yeah.

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at linuxweasel.com
Thu Apr 25 19:52:06 CDT 2002

On Thu, 2002-04-25 at 17:37, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > > Ayoob is an excellent writer, very articulate, and extremely well
> > > spoken/written.  Long ago, I first learned about 'fail drills' from
> > > him.  Something every gun owner should know about...
> > 
> > Fail drills?
> > 
> Self defence training method for gun owners.  IT involves training with
> a partner or a shot clock capable of two random alarms.  It goes like
> this:
> partner yells "Go!"
> you pop two shots to the torso of the target (usually a paper sillouet)
> at random intervals your partner will may yell either "Fail!" or "Safe!"
> if "fail" then you treat the silouet as if it was an attacker that you
> failed to stop with the previous two shots, and aim for one in the head.
> if "safe" then you unload the weapon and put it on the range counter.
> It's basically to train you for the unexpected, when you fail to stop an
> attacker with the previous two shots, the third to the head *should*
> stop them.  Since you never know when your partner will yell "fail" it
> approximates real life situations where an attacker may or may not have
> been stopped.  
> Morbid.  Yes.  But necessary (IMO) for those with carry permits.

Hmm, never heard of anything like that.  I don't exactly hang out around
handgun wielding people (except for my uncle, a cop) very often, so that
could be some part of it.  The police force certainly doesn't train like

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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