[geeks] aw yeah.

Kris Kirby kris at catonic.net
Fri Apr 26 01:02:00 CDT 2002

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> I thought of getting my CWP just because I could, or in case, or whatever.
> But, I decided not to for religious reasons (I am Mennonite after all). Might
> reconsider if I ever live in an area where the wild life would make such a
> thing nescessary.

After meeting two of the African race's finest examples today on the
interstate, I'm inclined to believe the same thing. :)

Seriously though -- the passenger was practically *hanging* out the
window swearing at me and flipping me off -- when he wasn't flipping
pennies at my car at 60 MPH.

And me driving a car with a little cricket motor. No, I'm not going to get
confrontational in return and allow you the pleasure of ruining my day.
Not even with flying objects (woo! never been happier to own a car .65
lanes wide -- space to move around in!). I've only got one life to live
and I'd rather not know that The Next Einstein has been snuffed out
because of an idiot-propelled 4500 lbs. missle.

Really didn't help that I thought that at any moment my timing belt could
go. Turns out the timing belt is probably fine -- it's my car's computer
that's goofy.

In regards to *real* wildlife, I'll get a pistol and permit as soon as I
see my first buck tramping around the neighborhood. Those fellas can

And before anyone accuses me of being racial, know and understand that I
would have reacted the same to a truck with two violently hyperactive
White Boyz in it intent on ruining my day. Although I have to wonder what
in the world convinced this man to stick 55% of his body (the heavier
half) out the window of a truck moving at 35-60 MPH. Where's Darwin when
you need him?

Kinda wish I had a larger vehicle, something he could grab onto -- I'd
have taken an arm off or dropped him on the pavement if he'd grab my car
(yank right on the wheel, and he comes with).

violence begets violence.

That Karma thing is a little addictive, Pete. :-)

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   | IM: KrisBSD | HSV, AL.
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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