"this economy" (was Re: [geeks] Ultra 2)

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at linuxweasel.com
Sat Apr 27 01:31:41 CDT 2002

On Fri, 2002-04-26 at 21:04, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Mike Hebel wrote:
> > 
> > >> Just as an example, I've been seeing senior UNIX or full system+network
> > >> admin positoions with requested 5+ years experience with a salary on offer
> > >> of 35k. I made more than that in my first junior admin job. That's the
> > 
> > KH> Holy Moses in a chicken bucket!  Talk about RAPE!!!
> > 
> > Unfortunately Kurt that's what the going rate is for a lot of people
> > these days regardless of skills/experience.
> > 
> That's totally fucking wrong.  I don't care what the excuse is.  What
> the fuck is WRONG with companies?  You don't just go and take ADVANTAGE
> of people like that.  

Oh, you most certainly do, especially if you're a private Christian
college.  Except that they fuck you over even worse than that.  The
manager of the tech department there makes, hmm, $33k, the guy who runs
the phone system makes less than $30k.  They cannot get paid any more
than that, under the organizations pay structure.  Bastards.

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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